February 2012

Kiss Nail Art and Stencil Set Review

My mom got me a Kiss Nail Art and Stencil set because she knows how much I enjoy putting together a do-it-yourself manicure when I have the time. I wanted to try it the week between Christmas and New Year's but I was so busy that I waited until the week after. I plan to use it again for this week because I enjoy putting designs on my nails. I also endorse anything that helps make the process easier because I am so clumsy.

The Wonders of Dry Shampoo

I didn’t discover dry shampoo until approximately two years ago. Before that I don’t  remember ever seeing much about it. My hair is color treated and fine, but I have a ton of it and it grows very quickly. Before I discovered dry shampoo, I had never been able to go without washing my hair every day as it would just look limp and greasy. That wreaked havoc with my hair color, especially after I dyed my hair red. I started using dry shampoo and have been able to wash my hair every other day and use dry shampoo in between.

Baking Soda Beauty Facts

The Many Uses of a Common Household Product

Baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate) has many uses for food but did you know that you can use the product for beauty? I was aware that you could use the common household item as a toothpaste substitute if I found myself out of it but I didn't know that you could apply it to your beauty routine for pennies on the dollar. You can substitute baking soda for dry shampoo, zit zapping products, expensive skin exfoliation bottles and as a product buildup remover.

Protect Your Hair from Heat Damage


Ever worry about the damage you’re doing to your hair every time you go to use the straightener?

Your hair can only take being forced into straight submission for so long. Soon enough, it will start to rebel. Signs of this might be that your ends look frayed. Your hair may look frizzy when you first hop out of the shower now, whereas before, it looked healthy, shiny and squeaky clean. Yet, if you don’t take the time to straighten it, it just looks like a style-less poof ball, what’s a girl to do?

Liquid Highlighter – The Perfect All in One Product

It’s early in the morning and you need to get out the door looking as human as possible, as quickly as possible. Products with multiple uses are ideal for that purpose. One such item is liquid highlighting cream. Usually a shimmery white or light pink color, liquid highlighter adds emphasis, sheen and light color to areas that you want to highlight. Use it in place of eyeshadow and even blush.

Awesome, Low-Cost Face Masks by Montagne Jennessee

Every other week or so I enjoy putting on a face mask as a way to unwind and beautify my skin. I love using those made by Montagne Jennesse when I'm in a time pinch. It's a great way to help put a stressful week behind me or to smooth out my skin before a night out. I have used a couple of the masks that the company produces and I like all of them. I have learned, however, that it's best to adhere to certain rules and to read the directions carefully. I ended up leaving on a mask that I thought said to remove after 15 minutes and it was only five. I was sick at the time (maybe not the best circumstance to use a mask) and when I removed it; my face had a mild sunburn on it. Oh, and I don't want to forget to mention that these masks cost almost nothing, selling for under $2 in most retail establishments.


The spearmint mask that Montagne Jennesse puts out is great for smoothing out your skin while also working to get rid of the tension around your face with its fresh, minty scent. It's referred to as a sachet by the company. You simply cut out the holes for your eyes, place the cloth on your face and let it rest there for five minutes. Rinse your face with warm water to seal open pores afterward and your set.