The Flowbee: A Vacuum Cleaner for Your Hair

Are you trying to save money in this tight economy? Do expensive haircuts for your entire family have you pinching pennies at the end of the month? I have the perfect solution for all of your haircutting needs: The Flowbee.


It’s like a vacuum cleaner and a hair stylist all in one. While you might not get the precision cut that you’ve come to expect at your local salon, you get the absolute thrill of vacuum suction on your hair—truthfully something not to be missed—while getting your hair unprofessionally cut. 


If you are unsure about the traditional Flowbee Vacuum Haircut System, try the Flowbee Super Mini Vac—the results are sure to make you a huge hit at all of your neighborhood B-B-Qs.


The Flowbee works like a weed whacker for your hair. What could possibly be more brilliant than that?


Not much.


The Flowbee works as an attachment to your regular vacuum cleaner. First, you can vacuum your rugs and then you can cut your hair. The Flowbee works best with full-powered vacuums, which can suck up more of your hair than a weaker vacuum cleaner. Don’t let the industrial appearance of the Flowbee alarm you. At this point in time, Flowbee has not received any major complaints about major injuries or deaths as a result of over-zealous Flowbeeing, so feel free to Flowbee away.


When your friends compliment you on your new haircut, don’t forget to tell them that you did it yourself with the Flowbee and wait for the accolades.  


"Real Housewives of New York" Star Susan Bishop Opens Bikini-Waxing Chain

As summer rapidly approaches, waxing, Vajazzling, and electroylosis have all been receiving more than a little attention in a few of my posts, all across the great Internet, and at swimming pools and beaches everywhere. Cindy Bishop of “Real Housewives New York” is starting a new waxing chain and was recently interviewed by Stylelist about how she got in the business of "lawn-care maintenance."


The waxing business sounds as if it were a natural fit for Ms. Bishop right from the get-go. Ms. Bishop started her waxing empire with the help of a few famous faces from the Hamptons. Ms. Bishop’s chain of salons, Completely Bare, offers both Vajazzling (the art of placing putting gem-like crystals you-know-where) and Vatooing (the art of air-brushing intricate, tattoo-like designs across a woman’s nether-regions).


The idea to open a waxing salon didn’t come out of nowhere for Ms. Bishop. She was inspired to open her salon(s) because of a painful bikini wax when she was only fifteen that she refuses to discuss in detail. (We’ll just have to imagine the traumatic details and cringe.) Possibly as a result of Ms. Bishops’ prior experiences with the bad wax, she is carefule to urge anyone thinking about getting her first bikini wax to first ask detailed questions and to go to a reputable salon. New clients should ask the salons how long they have been in the business of bikini waxing and what kind of hair they are used to dealing with.


Shadows of Obsession

Shadows of Obsession, An erotic novel that cautions us that sometimes one touch, one taste of undulated ecstasy, or one chance encounter, is all it takes to become the object of someone's affection, or the desire to become someone's obsessional affliction

  An erotic psychological thriller that sets the heart racing, and the pulse pounding

  An intimate romance that indulges your wildest and illicit fantasies


Nail Polish-Wearing Boy Sparks Big, Dumb, Unnecessary Controversy

So J. Crew—a company that I could pretty much take or leave, especially considering its very average score at Good Guide—recently ran an adorable ad featuring a mom (the company’s creative director) and her cute son with a mop of blond hair spending time together. The page was selling the company’s nail polish, and the mom was painting her son’s nails, remarking that it was a good thing that he liked the color. It was pretty cute, though I’d never buy nail polish containing formaldehyde and other icky stuff to use on my own child. Other than that, I, and many other people, had no issues with the ad.

Enter the geniuses at Fox News, who ran an editorial featuring a psychologist who said, “This is a dramatic example of the way that our culture is being encouraged to abandon all trappings of gender identity.” Yeah, consider the word you used there, doc—trappings. Exactly who wants to be trapped by their gender?

Some media mouthpiece added that the commercial was “blatant propaganda celebrating transgendered children.” This is ludicrous, for one; every guy I know has had his toenails—or fingernails!—painted before. My grandfather, a man’s man if there ever was one, always had his done by his wife as a joke (usually in his sleep, sure). My own husband let us color his nails with markers the other day while it was raining (they’re still purple; he wore sandals to my parents’ house and they thought he hurt himself). It’s absolutely not a big deal at all.

But here’s the thing—even if the child were transgendered, why would that not be something to celebrate? If that were his or her true identity, the hell it shouldn’t be celebrated! Every child deserves celebrating, no matter his or her gender identity.

Of course, many bloggers have already pointed out how ridiculous these claims are. Remember when, for example, all of our boys—including past presidents—were dressed as girls when they were kids just because that was how it was done? It wouldn’t have been a big deal if young FDR or any of his peers were wearing nail polish today.

If you’d like to tell J. Crew thanks for running their ad, click here. (You might want to add that they could be a more sustainable company if they tried…)

If you’d like to tell everybody on the planet to STFU about this stupid overreaction, feel free.


Photo via J. Crew

Bacon Cologne? Something Only A Swine Would Wear?

A Subtle Gift for The Boss?

Bacon Cologne? A company has introduced a bacon cologne and it is selling. And it is not being used by farmers to improve the scent of their hog pens, with a little floral a-do-o for their pigs. It is for human use, to be sprayed on men.

Bacon Cologne? I don't believe it? What's going to come of us? Cologne from bacon scent? Heaven help us. When is the world suppose to end? What's that date again? Sometime next year?

Well, maybe I am too much in the 20th century? Bacon is pork and pork makes me sick. My objection to bacon is not based on religion, but on health issues. Bacon is fatty. Bacon is full of the stuff that is not good for the body. Bacon increases high blood pressure. Bacon is not a good food But as a cologne scent? It stinks

Bacon Cologne? From the Fargginay company website --The Revolution has begun... The year was 1920 and quite by accident John Fargginay, a Parisian butcher, discovered the ability to dramatically elevate his customer's mood with a secret recipe blending 11 popular pure essential oils with the essence of...bacon.

1920? Huh?

I guess I happily missed that revolution and was unaware of it.

I can see dudes spraying themselves with the scent of plant, like flowers or even a herb, but the scent of meat? And how many hogs have to die to fill a bottle of spray? Why would someone want to smell like a pig? Or like breakfast?

Item from The Young Turks --"Farginnay has released a new bacon scented cologne. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss the ad and product." See the video.

Natural Remedies to cure Itchy, DRY Scalp

Got an itchy dry scalp?

I really do hate dealing with an itchy, dry scalp. I have battled with very dry scalp when I was a young girl. As I got older, I started taking better care of my hair’s condition. Now that I am a cosmetology student currently studying the many disorders of hair and skin, many people think that a dry scalp is the cause from dandruff. The answer is it’s not always cause by dandruff, but other reasons as well. The cause of a dry, itchy scalp can be caused by lack of dehydration, dandruff, head lice, shampoo, hair care products, or even scratching.

Ever thought about what may be a good answer for getting rid of dry, itchy scalp? Below is a list of natural remedies to help cure your itchy, dry scalp at home.

  • Tea Tree Oil: Known to cure other infections, apply a few drops of this soothing substance onto your hands and gently massage on scalp. Let it sit for 20 minutes before rinsing off. Wash after with a low Ph balanced shampoo.


  • Mayonnaise: This may sound very disgusting, but mayonnaise does work. Pour a good amount into your hands and massage on scalp. Mayonnaise does the magic ability of softening, moisturizing, and soothing your hair.


  • Lemon: Contains a citric acid that works great on dandruff too. Rub some lemon all over your scalp and let sit for about 20-30 minutes before rinsing off.


  • Olive Oil: Mixing this healthy substance with almond oil will help relieve your scalp of over excessive dryness on your scalp. Olive oil is proven to help with the improvement of conditions on our skin.


  • Hot Oil Massage: Be sure to heat up some great oil massage (coconut or other scents are fine), and rub on your hands, then apply on scalp. Massage the oil onto your scalp for a few minutes. This method will help relieve itchiness, dryness, and your hair from shedding.

Something that people should always keep in mind….anti dandruff shampoos do not work. They really don’t. I have personally used them in the past, and they don’t work at all. It made my scalp worse. Avoid all anti-dandruff shampoos. Taking the time to treat your scalp with a natural remedy at home will do the trick. Also….be sure to drink plenty of fresh, clean water! It is strongly advised that we all drink at least 8-9 glasses of water each day or more. So try these brilliant home remedy tricks at home in curing your itchy, dry scalp.


Wal-Mart Peddles Makeup to 8-Year-Olds

When I was eight years old, the only makeup I ever wanted to put on my face was Halloween makeup. Sure, some of my friends liked to play dress up—and I went along with it sometimes, especially if I wanted them to play Ninja Turtles with me afterward—and then we’d smear a bit of eye shadow and lipstick on, but it was never intended to be a long-term, serious project. Something we should all inherently know, after all, is that cosmetics are not intended for children; if there’s anyone in the world we need to reassure looks just perfect the way she is, it’s a child.

But Wal-Mart doesn’t seem to think so. In fact, they’ve recently hit a new low by launching an entire line of makeup called geoGirl for young girls ages 8 to 12. It’s not enough that statistics have shown that 80% of ten year old girls have dieted; we need to make sure to promote an unhealthy body image and dissatisfaction with the way we look to all young girls! No age is too young to start being a consumer, little ladies!

Ugh, Wal-Mart, just when you were beginning to impress me with your healthy food selections and organic choices, you have to go and pull a stunt like this. And you know what the worst part is? Parents are going to buy this crap up for their kids. They already buy the toy kiddie makeup (you know, the blue crayons and pink wax sticks that make your child look like a circus clown, which at least isn’t a hyper-sexualized toddler, I guess) and now they’re going to buy this, especially since Wal-Mart claims the crap is eco-friendly. I’ve seen so many mothers worry about every item that goes into their kids’ lunchboxes and then turn around and let them paint formaldehyde (nail polish), lead (lipstick), and plenty of other harmful chemicals on their faces in the same hour. What the hell do they think, that because their food is chemical-free (and it’s not 100%, of course) that they can make up for it by slathering it on their skin?

Well, now apparently they won’t have to worry, since Wal-Mart’s new 69 cosmetics made for children—including anti-aging exfoliating products, because every 8-year-old girl knows it’s the fashionable thing to look 6—are “safe cosmetics.”

Bullshit. There’s no such thing as a safe cosmetic when a little girl’s sense of self is on the line. The media, her peers, her school, and everything else on the planet is already working to destroy that from the moment she is born. She could at least use an ally in the home who won’t let her paint her face to change it.

The Week I Washed My Face With Oil

I decided to try the Oil Cleansing Method (OCM) for a full week before I passed judgment. And the judgment is, in a word: mixed.

About My Face
I'm pushing 40, so acne is no longer my #1 concern. It's #3, behind the irritated redness on my forehead, and the clogged pores on my nose. For the record, concern #4 is the flaky patches at the corners of my mouth.

My skin is incredibly reactive. It's only THIS good because I have removed everything that contains sulfates (particularly SLS) from my life. I use SLS-free toothpaste, L'Oreal's sulfate-free shampoo, and an SLS-free liquid facial cleanser. Nevertheless, I still suffer from a chronic low-grade form of allergic dermatitis.

Compounding this problem is that I live in the woods and have livestock and haul firewood every day and stuff. Which means that my face gets genuinely dirty, like with dirt. (However, I do not wear foundation.) And this time of year I have a combination problem with chapping and drying. So I used to wash with the foaming facial cleanser, then follow up with as much Oil of Olay moisturizer as I could handle.

About My Oil Mixture
On the first day I went with a straight up 50/50 mixture of castor/olive oil. And it was way too heavy. I had to scrub my face pretty well to get all the oil off it. After that, I fiddled with a few new ingredients and proportions.

I settled on a potion that is 1 part tea tree oil, 1 part vitamin E oil, 2 parts extra virgin olive oil, and 4 parts castor oil. I might even cut out the olive oil altogether and replace it with something lighter, like grapeseed oil. There is a lot of room for fiddling with the recipe with this method.

The Results
I did the OCM every night before bed. On the first day I awoke to find three new pimples whose size startled me. But I had heard that this was a potential side-effect that might happen on the first few days, until your skin re-balanced itself.

On subsequent days I would typically find one new pimple per day. This wasn't necessarily more than I experienced before, but they seemed more aggressive than they used to. Maybe they are cycling through faster, and that's a good thing, right?

The biggest difference is that the blotchy redness on my forehead disappeared almost immediately. And it stayed gone as long as I was doing the OCM. On one night I mixed it up and went back to my old cleansing routine. The next morning my forehead had gone flushed again. This alone has convinced me not to go back to my old routine, regardless of what I do from this point forward.

Each night after doing the treatment, my skin felt wonderful. Like, glowing. Where it used to feel clean, but also dry and tight. This increased suppleness persisted through the next day, and my face even feels better after I get out of the shower.

It didn't work as well on my clogged pores as I had hoped. Honestly I feel like most of the gains are being accomplished just by steaming your face with a washcloth and gently exfoliating every night.

Target: Sonia Kashuk "Glitters Glows" Eye Palette - $9.99

FREE Shipping!

Target, as a daily deal, is offering this Sonia Kashuk "Glitters Glows" Eye Palette for only $9.99 with FREE shipping! This item includes It includes an applicator, mirror, and six types of eye shadow to show off your beautiful eyes.

DON'T FORGET: You can also get 4% cash back on your Target purchase by shopping through MrRebates when placing your order. If you are not already a member of MrRebates it is free to join (you will actually get $5 just for signing up). You can get money back on all of your purchases you place online when using the service. Just make sure to click from MrRebates to the store you want to shop at (there is a list and a search on the site) and watch that cash build up.

FAQ: Sheep Placenta Cream

Would You Ever Sacrifice a Sheep to Have a Wrinkle-free Face?

A Facebook friend listed the contents of her suitcase on the way home to her native country of Thailand. The list seemed fairly normal: sunglasses, bathing suit, and sheep placenta cream. I’m not joking. She really listed placenta cream as something to pack for her trip back home.


Of course, I had to ask her what it meant; inquiring minds want to know after all and the idea of sheep placenta cream half disturbed me and half intrigued me. I learned that sheep placenta was a wrinkle cream that her sisters and mom were crazy about. I did some quick Internet sleuthing on my own to uncover the mystery and history of sheep placenta cream, partially because I love how the name of it just rolls off my tongue and partially for the reasons mentioned above.


Here’s a basic definition of sheep placenta cream:

The placenta, an internal organ that nourishes the fetus in the womb, is valued for its high nutritional content. Placenta cream has been celebrated for years by the wealthy and celebrities alike for its ability to rejuvenate skin tissue and restore a youthful luster to your appearance.


This blog post has a pretty disturbing definition of a placenta for those who are ignorant of medical terminology.


it's the organ that connects to a developing fetus that allows nutrient uptake, waste elimination and gas exchange.


FAQ about sheep placenta cream:


Q:   How often do I apply sheep placenta cream to my face, hands, body and other parts and how do I apply it?

A:   Sheep placenta cream should be applied on your face, hands, body, and other parts on a daily basis. It should be massaged gently into the skin.


Q:  Are there any famous people who have used sheep placenta cream?

A:  Yes, there are. Winston Churchill, Charlie Chaplin, and Dwight Eisenhower have all used sheep placenta cream. I think their relative lack of wrinkles speaks for the efficacy of sheep placenta cream.


Q:  Isn’t sheep placenta cream kind of gross?

A:  Yes, actually it is. In order to get past the grossness of using sheep placenta cream, you have to forget that the main ingredient is used to protect a sheep’s fetus.


Q:  Are the sheep’s fetuses harmed at any way when the manufacturers make sheep placenta cream?

A:  Yes, unfortunately I am 99.9% positive that sheep fetuses are sacrificed for the beauty and eternal youth of those using products containing sheep placenta.


Q:  How does sheep placenta cream work for getting rid of wrinkles?

A:  Dermatologists claim that if sheep placenta cream does work, it might be because of the moisturizer in the wrinkle cream.

Q:  How else do people use sheep placenta cream?

A:  Grossly enough, people sometimes inject sheep placenta cream into their faces.

Q:  Do you recommend using sheep placenta cream?

A:  I would never advise anyone to sacrifice a sheep to get rid of wrinkles.


