Unwanted Facial Hair: How to Get Rid of It
I was about 17 or 18 when my brother ever-so-helpfully pointed out that I had a mustache. It was exactly what I needed to hear during my rather tumultuous adolescence and my younger brother was just exactly the person to hear it from -please note the sarcasm as it was definitely intended.
At the time, I had no idea that facial hair was a common problem for women- I thought I was a freak and didn’t know what to do. My mother didn’t have a mousetache and I had never noticed whether any other members of my family had one. I was severely traumatized.
The hairs are noticeable. I was embarrassed to have a “friend” joke about my stache in a public place the other day, just the same way you would be embarrassed if a friend joked about a pimple- not a nice feeling.