September 2012

Tips on hiding your roots

How to hide your roots until you’re ready to re-color your hair

You love your hair color. You don’t even mind that time or money it takes to create that color. However, life does make it hard sometimes to schedule that appointment or even to make time to do that coloring process, yourself at home. This is why it is essential to know some tips on how to hide those roots when your hair begins to grow out a bit quicker than you would like.

No, you don’t have to wear a scarf or a hat on your head all the time. First, you could simply repart your hair. Yes, the part of your head is the first tail tale sign that you need to recolor your hair. For this reason, if you change your part, you may be able to go another whole week without re-coloring. Plus, who knows you may like the new look. You may even enjoy the look of a messy part.

Collagen lips: yay or nay?

Are your lips big enough?

Slate just ran a great feature about the growing lips of women; the writer did not discuss whether the lips were getting looser, but instead reflected on the size of the lips and which woman inspired others to surgically or collgenically (my word, not theirs) enhance their lips. 

According to the Slate writer who was under the direct tutelage of a very pro-cosmetic surgery Vogue editor for a number of years, Angelina Jolie’s apparently luscious lips also inspired the collagen lip infusion with copy cats everywhere. 


Are big lips a positive trend in the world? Should we all be searching for Groupons for collagen? 


Maybe yes and maybe no. It’s difficult to say because big lips don’t look as good on everyone’s face. Obviously women under a certain age look fantastic with a little lush added to their lips, but women over the age of seventy might not want to wear so much lipstick and/or lip gloss with their collagen-infused lips lest someone confuse them for Stiffler’s great aunt as these images (also from the Slate article) will attest to. 

At-home gel manicures are a hot trend for women

Save money by using at-home gel manicure products

Yes, getting a manicure at the salon is a nice luxury. Getting a gel manicure that can last up to weeks is a luxury every woman may enjoy. However, not every woman can afford this luxury. Now thanks to a few manufacturers, we can enjoy this luxury by using at-home products.  Yes, there are several at-home gel manicure products on the market now. Plus, they are in many of our price ranges.

There are the gel manicure sets such as Nutra Nail Gel Perfect, which averages around $11.99 per package. This gel manicure doesn’t need the traditional LED light. It comes with an activator base coat. This base coat will help create a shiny, solid finish. Plus, the gel will dry within five minutes.  No, it may not last a full two weeks like it claims. However, for $11.99 you can do your nails many times. This is a lot cheaper than many trips to your local manicurist.

Key makeup items for fall

Fall makeup must-haves

The weather is becoming cooler. This means that it is time to consider revamping your makeup routine. This also may mean a trip to your favorite makeup aisle of a department store, drug store or ordering your favorite line of makeup online or through a local sales person. What will you need this season?

You may want to start with some new colors for your lips. In the fall months, most women will prefer to wear some darker shades. However, you may also want to try some more cream and butter shades. What you definitely want is some lip colors that are enriched with some hydrating oils such as jojoba oil or shea butter. Remember the cool fall air can also cause our lips to become dry over time.

The right way and time to apply skin products

Timing is key for applying skin products

Yes, you must use the right skin products. These products can help moisturize the skin and they can help stop premature aging. However, the key is not just what products you use. The key is also when use you apply them.

Serums should always be applied in the mornings and again at night. It doesn’t matter if they contain skin lightening or anti-aging ingredients. They best way to apply them is by patting them on your entire face. Retinol cream should be applied at night. During the day, light can cause them to deactivate. Apply these creams by patting them onto your face. Moisturizers can be used twice a day, if your skin is dry. If your skin is oily, only use it once a day and apply it at night. Pay close attention to the areas around your mouth.