Give Yourself a Mini-Facial at Home

Give Yourself a Mini-Facial at Home

For ladies that have a more do-it-yourself attitude towards beauty, consider eschewing pricey facials and commercial masks to make your own at home! It’s cheaper and you know that there aren’t harmful chemicals in them. My favorite is to do a mini facial at home using honey, sugar, apple cider vinegar, and extra virgin olive oil.

A bit of a warning here. If you have sensitive or dry skin, ABORT! Don’t even try this. It is too strong for your skin.

So, here is what I do. I squirt about two tbsp. of honey into a bowl. I pour in quite a bit of sugar, enough so that it makes a paste of sorts. I don’t have exact measurements, I just wing it. Stir those together with a spoon. I then pour in about one tsp. apple cider vinegar and one tsp. extra virgin olive oil. Mix them together and you’re ready to go!

This mixture is super sticky so pull your hair back all off of your face or it will be tough to rinse out. Dip your hands in and smooth it across your face and jaw. Of course, keep it out of your eyes, nose, and mouth. Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes. Use a warm washcloth and wash it off. If there is a sticky residue, wash your face with your standard face cleanser.

That’s it! If your face feels dry, feel free to put on a light moisturizer. My skin is insanely oily and I found that this helps control the oil for two to three days after I do it. I only use this face mask once per week.