Fast tips to a healthy glow

Fast tips to a healthy glow

Do you have 15 minutes to look great?

Yes, you are in a rush.  Yes, every single minute of your day counts. We all live busy lives. Yet, we all should take at least 15 minutes to look good. Here is how we can do this.

Start with a quick manicure. You can do this by applying one of those several shades of fast drying blends. This writer loves the brand Sally Hansen and she loves the quick dry formulas. Yes, they will really dry in five minutes or less.

The trick is to try not to bump your nails for the next half hour or so.  Yes, you can use your hands and fingers. You just don’t want to bump against them on things. This means you must use the padding of your fingers when you write or put on the rest of your makeup.

After your nails are dried, you can start on your face makeup. All you need to do is apply the basics. This can include: primer, foundation (if needed) and concealer. Once the basics are applied, go straight to the eyes. Yes, the eyes are where you need to put in the most attention.

Remember the eyes are the window to the soul. They are also the part of the face that will get the most attention. First, apply your favorite shade or shades of eye shadow, eye liner and mascara. Yes, those liners and mascara are important to emphasize your eyes. Now add a little bit of blush to the apples of your cheeks and up toward your temple area.

Finally, add a bit of color to your lips, spritz on some perfume and you are ready to go. Check your time. Did it really take you that long? Plus, the more you practice this routine, the less time it will take you to perfect.