ELLE Magazine Says Freckles are In

ELLE Magazine Says Freckles are In

If you are worried about the freckles on your face distracting from your natural beauty, don’t. According to ELLE magazine and their Make-Up and Skin-Care writer, fair faces and freckles are definitely IN. As a matter of fact, freckles are so in that one make-up artist is actually freckling models’ faces with eyebrow pencil.

Miyako Okamoto is a Shiseido make-up artist who believes that adding freckles adds “a fresh, youthful image.” She sprinkles the freckles around the cheeks and the bridge of the models’ noses for a “healthy look”.

While this trend may be temporary, it might give those who frequent the tanning beds on a regular basis pause for thought and a way for them to avoid the artificial lights so they can maintain their “fresh, youthful image”. It also is much more palatable to my eye than the “smoky eyes” look which has been making young and hot runway models look as if they were brutalized before their fashion shows for quite some time now.

That said, I am uncertain how rampant the freckle fad actually is or if it extends past this particular make-up artist.

Pic Thru Flickr 

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